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Worthless at Work

Worthless at Work, The Slow Paced Life

Have you ever had a bad day at work? Is that a silly question? I'm sure we all have at some point in time, either that or you haven't been working very long. Bad days happen to everyone. Maybe you work in an office, maybe it's a fast food chain, maybe it's in the medical field, maybe it's at home. Where ever it may be we all have good days and bad days. Maybe you worked really hard on a project and were proud of the work you had accomplish only to have it rejected. Maybe you spilled your morning coffee on the computer and it all went downhill from there. Maybe you had hoped for a promotion but it was given to the new guy. Maybe you lost your job. Whatever it may have been you were likely left feeling discouraged and unappreciated.

I have caught myself associating my worth with my job or my career. I think we all do this, we take pride in what we do. We want to do our best. We want to make a good impression. We want to be praised for our good efforts. We want to be recognized. We want to be appreciated. To a point, this is a good thing, it keeps us striving to do better. We learn from experiences and can continually improve. We invest ourselves into our work and it's almost impossible not to give a little piece of yourself in everything you're doing. At the bare minimum you are giving your time. Unfortunately bad days happen and when they do it becomes hard to remove yourself from those negative feelings. We start to feel worthless, we feel underappreciated, we question whether we are good enough, we question what happened and why.

We connect our work failure or success with our worth as a human being.

This is wrong.

What we need to do is remember Who gives us our worth in the first place. Our worth has nothing to do with our work. Jesus determines our worth. You don't need to accomplish anything. You don't need to be the best at anything. You don't need the promotion. You don't need the approval of anyone. Jesus has already determined your worth and His mind is made up. You are worth more than you can even imagine. You were worth dying for…

When you have a bad day and look at it from that perspective, it doesn't seem so bad anymore. The work failure or disappointment almost becomes meaningless. It's a time that will pass. It's something minimal that can be worked on. Your worth is not determined by your work. Recognizing and knowing your worth in Jesus is a huge weight lifted off your shoulders on those bad work days. He's not going to leave you. The bad day will end. It will be a new day in the morning. You are still so loved. Keep your head up and keep striving to do the best you can in every circumstance.

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